Help With Order Issues

If you have made an error in entering information, or placed your order in error, you can cancel it within 30 minutes of when it was placed. To do this, please sign in to your account and choose the order you wish to edit / cancel under  “My Orders”.

Orders that are older than 30 minutes cannot be changed or cancelled.

Sorry to hear you received a damaged item!

If your items were damaged when you received them, you can return them by calling customer service at 1-800-345-4109

Start a Mailed Return

Check out our full Return Policy for for more info.

Sorry to hear you received the wrong item!

Online exchanges are not supported at this time. Please return the incorrect item by starting a Mailed Return.

To ensure you receive the correct item when and if you place a new order, please start a live chat or call customer service at 1-800-345-4109.

Start a Mailed Return

Check out our full Return Policy for for more info.

We are so sorry this happened. Sometimes during busy periods, an item may sell out faster than our inventory can update to reflect it, and we are forced to cancel affected orders.

We do not charge credit cards until the order is shipped. If your order is cancelled you may see a pending authorization that will fall off within 3 business days.

Be sure to check around your home and mailbox, or ask your neighbors if they received it. There's also a chance it was marked "Delivered" before it was dropped off.

If your package still hasn't turned up 24 hours after you received a delivery confirmation email, please start a Live Chat.